We Value Impact

Report your planned & generated social/eco effects and monetize on them via issuing impact credits.

Offset your footprint & engage yourself in supporting impactful organizations by buying their impact credits.
To evaluate impact, you need solid model assumptions, a clear plan for your outcomes, transparent reporting and ideally an external audit of these fundaments and your published data. LOOMPACT is able to deliver all this and moreover to monetize positive eco/social effects via the world's first "impact as a product" approach using our Impact Credits. Read on to learn more how we're able assist you...
Every project or business needs a plan, so also for planning eco/social outcomes. Either it is generating positive impact or reducing an existing footprint. LOOMPACT is here to help: we generate the necessary impact model assumptions for you, ready to be integrated in your existing business plans. We also advise on the whole planning process - focusing on the long-term vision, deriving the mid-term mission and the needed strategy, actions & resources.
We start with you by looking at your organization's business and long-term aspirations by answering the following questions:
- What do you want to achieve in long-term (vision/impact level)?
- What is your desired countable mid-term goals (mission/outcome level)?
- What is your short-term action plan (strategy/output level)?
- What KPIs do you need for tracking your success?
- What are the impact model assumptions behind the key indicators for steering towards your goals?
Together we develop an actionable plan that covers the whole "Theory of Change", but in a business reporting aligned way, so that reviewing all kinds of your results (financial & eco/social) is not a hassle.
We look at all your internally & externally published eco/social KPIs and question the baseline data & model assumptions used for the figures. By digging deep into the core of your impact indicators, we find out about eventually lacking methodologies, missing data, false assumptions, possible double-counting of outcomes or out-of-date studies used for your KPIs.
We take these findings and "harden" your Impact Model, so that you are able to communicate your eco/social KPIs with a strong voice and you are even able to externally audit it e.g. by the Impact Model Verification Standard.
Let's work on modeling & planning your impact...
The assessment of outcomes must be as smooth as possible. With our innovative impact transparency & communication platform you are instantly ready to report your contribution towards the SDGs.
Whether you're a for-profit or non-profit organization or company, that generates positive eco and / or social effects to make the world a better place, we're here to help.
With our LOOMPACT reporting portal you're able to self-assess and communicate your outcomes with ease.
Use our step-by-step approach to generate reports that you're able to share internally, to your investors / grantees or even publish it on your website and social media.
If you report with us, the data you check in stays your data. That is important. Why?
The impact you've generated & still own can be monetized by issuing impact credits based on our LOOMPACT NFT technology.
All you need to do is to externally audit your reported outcomes & impact model. Read more about this in our "audit" section...
Do you want to start your impact reporting today?
Self-assessed impact comes with the risk of using wrong baseline assumptions, that in turn lead to the over- or underestimation of the reported outcomes. If you are using this reported data in your stakeholder communications or even sell your earned impact as credits / certificates, it could even be a critical legal concern. So, think about an audit to add a new level of trust in your data...
trust and transparency
To ensure a good reflection of your impact model that you're using for data assessment and to prevent possible liabilities from false reporting it is wise to undergo an external audit.
We and a network of impact management experts offer our long-standing knowledge to audit your impact model and outcome reports. We are able to do this in nearly all KPIs of the SDG Indicators or IRIS+ catalog.
We are following the open IMVS (Impact Model Validation Standard) that ensures the most actual audit methodology for checking reported outcomes.
An IMVS certificate ensures a high confidence in your reported data. Stakeholders cant trust that your impact reports are solid and based on state-of-the art methods & models.
Especially in these times, where there is a lot of doubt about impact results shown, such an audit and certification provides the right answers against any "greenwashing" assumptions...

Impact Model Verification Standard (IMVS)
The Impact Model Verification Standard is a framework for auditing outputs or outcomes which are reported by organizations. A validation of the model assumptions used to create the eco / social KPIs prove their correctness and also helps to create trust in the reported data.
As of now, there is no other guideline on how to check the validity of impact claims found in reports from non- and for-profit organizations. To prevent green-washing and over- or under-estimation of eco / social outcomes, a standard for auditing such KPIs is necessary.
With the IMVS we introduce exactly this – a (to be) global standard, that enables specialized impact auditors to carry out proper and structured checks that go down to the root of the reported data: the model assumptions on which the KPIs are based upon.
Do you need more information on the IMVS? Then take a look at our dedicated landing page for the Impact Model Verification Standard here.
Are you interested in auditing your impact models & reports? Do you want to know more about the Impact Model Validation Certificate?
To be an active contributor towards one or more challenges of the SDGs is often personally rewarding - but mostly there's no self-sufficient revenue model. With LOOMPACT NFT we transform your impact into financial value & generate new income streams for your organization.
How does the impact monetization work?
Selling your social / eco outcomes is possible. That sounds appealing? Let's find out how to roll out your first impact credits today...
Even if reducing your own company's footprint is key, it helps to speed up the ambitions to a net zero by supporting organizations with dedicated focus on acting positively against the footprint you've left. Or to spend money for your programmatic CSR goals for projects that have a great traction. LOOMPACT NFT based credits are here to deliver all this to you with confidence & trust...
Offsetting eco / social footprints of business operations with high quality credits
Creative gifting or integration of eco / social benefits in your products
Spending CSR budget for corporate giving on trusted & effective projects
Trading of impact assets for profit (like with CO2 or plastic credits)
All credits represent earned impact, so no guessing or predictions into the future are sold.
Eco / social outcomes from very renowned organizations are offered: all are audited by the validity of their impact models & reporting.
The proceeds of the sold impact credits directly benefit the issuers (impact creators) - they are also liable for what they've sold.
Every single credit has a tracking code for an easy-to-understand tracing of the outcome's origin & presenting audit results & certificates.
The digital format of the credits in form of NFTs makes it a breeze also to handle even large credit volumes and to integrate them for presentation on your website, your internal reporting system or even on your products.
As blockchain-based credits they contain immutable data with full audit trail and are tradable on any Solana-capable market platform, so all of the bigger marketplaces.
While this is build using state-of-the-art tech, there is no blockchain/NFT knowledge needed at all to buy / sell these credits...
Curious to take a look at the impact credits we offer at the moment?
The credits issued are used in many different ways. From offsetting corporate footprints, corporate giving, innovative xmas gifting, impact asset trading to acquiring rare digital art collectibles... all is possible with LOOMPACT NFT.
As a sustainability consultancy, we always support projects at the end of the year that make a positive social contribution to our world. This year, we have opted for the LOOMPACT NFT-based impact credits from Africa GreenTec to support people in the Global South. It is good to know that this is an outcome that has already been generated and benefits an organization that has already proven many times how to create positive effects for people in rural Africa. And as the icing on the cake: we were also able to give these NFTs to our customers and partners individually instead of traditional Xmas cards... Great!
Alice Knorz
Managing Director / 4L Strategies GmbHECO FOOTPRINT OFFSETTING
For some time now, we have been committed to offsetting the environmental impact of operating customer bank accounts by means of CO2 certificates. With the credits issued by Plastic Fischer via LOOMPACT NFT, we can now extend our efforts by also offsetting the plastic footprint of our credit/debit card issuance. It is of great value to see directly what was achieved with the credits, where the impact was created and to be able to view the audit results for the impact model. For us, this is a very innovative solution that really creates "impact assets" and allows trading these with ease.
Dr. Andreas Dartsch
Executive Board / Sparkasse KölnBonn
Inspired? Then let's talk about your possible use case. Are you looking for high quality impact credits exactly matching your project's needs? We find them for you...
FAQ / Glossary
Puzzled about some of the abbreviations we've used or dedicated terms? You've got questions on tech or business matters? Most likely you find that answer here in our FAQ section...
This in a social and ecological context refers to the effect or influence that actions or activities have on society and the environment. Social impact involves changes to community well-being, like improved education or health, while ecological impact relates to the environment, like reducing pollution or conserving resources. It's about the positive or negative outcomes of what we do on people and the planet.
In the context of social and ecological projects, "output" and "outcome" have specific meanings:
Output: Refers to the immediate products or services resulting from activities. For example, planting 1000 trees or conducting 50 educational workshops are outputs. They are quantifiable and easy to measure.
Outcome: Represents the longer-term effects or changes due to the outputs. In our examples, outcomes might be improved air quality from the trees or higher literacy rates from the workshops. Outcomes are about the impact and are often less immediately measurable.
In essence, outputs are what you do, while outcomes are the differences made by what you do.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals set by the United Nations in 2015. They aim to address global challenges like poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. The SDGs are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all by 2030.
IRIS+ is a system for measuring, managing, and optimizing impact. It's developed by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN). IRIS+ provides a comprehensive set of metrics for impact investors to measure and report on the social and environmental performance of their investments. It helps ensure that impact investments are effective and transparent.
This refers to the measure of the impact that a person, organization, or product has on the environment and society.
The ecological footprint in business context represents the environmental effect, often in terms of the amount of resources required to deliver a product, service and for general business operations. It's a way to quantify the demand placed on Earth's ecosystems.
The social footprint represents the social effect, focusing on the (in general negative) effects that influences have on social systems. It might include factors like employment practices, community engagement, and the overall contribution to or detriment of societal well-being.
These footprints are useful for understanding and managing the sustainability of actions and practices.
Think of a blockchain as a digital record book. Instead of keeping records in one place (like a single computer or server), the information is copied and spread across a network of computers. Each page of this record book is called a "block," and they're all linked together in a chain.
Whenever new information is added, it's put into a new block, and everyone's copy of the record book updates. This makes it really hard to change older information because you'd have to change it on every single copy at the same time.
So, blockchain is like a shared, super-secure digital diary that a bunch of people have copies of and can write in, but no one can easily change what's already been written. This is why it's used for things like digital money (crypto currencies) or for NFTs and keeping track of who owns what.
In the context of blockchain, an "NFT" stands for Non-Fungible Token. It's a unique type of token that represents ownership of a specific, one-of-a-kind item or asset, making it different from interchangeable tokens like cryptocurrencies. NFTs can represent digital or physical assets, such as artwork, collectibles, real estate or for other use types.
in the case of LOOMPACT-based NFTs, they are unique certificates of realized social or environmental impact. Each NFT has distinct information or attributes that make it unique and verifiable on the blockchain, providing proof of ownership and origin.
If positive eco/social effects that are to be generated in the future are sold, you cannot be sure if the impact promised will ever be generated. Two examples:
If a tree is planted today and also the amount of CO2 sequestered by that tree for the next 30 years is sold in a CO2 credit the same day, it is a prediction into the future. It might be that in average this tree will have a life-span of 30 years, but who knows if it'll burn down in a wildfire in 5 years.
Or let's take a social project that promises to teach 1000 homeless children in the next 5 years with the money you spent today. But the organization that sold you that credit or donation doesn't survive the next year or is not able to attract enough children with their educational offer.
Generally: only outcomes that have been already created are the ones that can guarantee, that the positive effect was achieved with the money spent on supporting that activity. And another effect: if you spent money for already realized impact, you support organizations that have proven their effectiveness in creating the desired outcomes and will grow their positive work with the revenue from selling the Credits.
At first glance it seems so - at second, the opposite is the case. In the usual business world it would be strange to pay for a non-existing product and to just hope for getting a product for the money spent, without a chance to get the money back, if I don't get the product. But as of today, that's usual in the world of donations & impact. You spend money for a promised effect, only left with the hope that this promise will materialize in future. Think about it - it is purely strange.
Take a city's street cleaning service: it also gets paid by the ton of waste they collect. Their eco impact is a clean city and they need to prove that they collected the reported amount of waste - otherwise they don't get paid. That is "impact as a product/service" and so we should think more about such an approach on a global scale.
To balance out eco/social footprints just by compensating against them with offsetting credits is not a primary solution - but it helps to speed up the world's transformation towards more sustainability.
To reduce footprints along the value chain internally in the corporate must be the main goal. It is a must to have a strategic insetting plan & aims to report against regularly. But we all know, Rome wasn't built in a day and transformation of larger businesses take time.
To bridge that gap offsetting can help so accelerate that on a global scale. E.g. if my plan to get rid of using plastic in my value chain will take about 10 years, why not supporting plastic waste collection projects around the world meanwhile with buying their Impact Credits. That will at least help a bit to stop plastic pollution on the "waste end" while the corporate is working to stop the pollution on the "emitting end".
Both must go hand-in-hand: insetting as a basis, offsetting as a tool for mitigation meanwhile.
That is true & false the same way. Blockchain had it's roots in so-called "proof-of-work" (PoW) networks that needed enormous amounts of energy to solve complex mathematical problems for creating new token or to verify transactions. One of these blockchains still is the most well-known one - Bitcoin.
Since the beginnings of digital ledger technologies, that has changes dramatically: the majority of blockchains today use methods like "proof-of-stake" (PoS) and/or "proof-of-history" (PoH) that don't require to solve math puzzles anymore. LOOMPACT NFT also uses one of these PoS/PoH networks (Solana). Generally you can say: with these modern chains there's less energy needed per transaction than a Google search request in average needs (see https://solana.com/news/solana-energy-usage-report-november-2021).
It depends on a couple of factors: how "sturdy" is your reporting and KPI model? What kind of KPI you are going to offer? Have you already created that outcome and about what quantities we're talking? Have you already got an external audit/certification? These are just some of the questions that we need to ask you in our evaluation process. In short: reach out to us and we take a closer look if we can set up an Impact Credit placement project for you.
The first part is prior to selling the Credits: consulting about the right presentation of the KPIs to be sold, market soundings, NFT designs, help with checking in data to our reporting & transparency platform and the technical setup of course.
The second part, if wanted by the issuer is selling: depending on the found sweet spot in the market sounding phase before, we do active placements of your Credits in the B2B and/or B2C environment.
Generally our intention is, that you're able to focus on your operations in creating the impact. We take care of structuring & selling these outcomes to generate new revenue streams for the issuing organization.
For even more answers & details, visit our FAQ-page!
Do you have any further questions?
Join the pact of our partners and customers to influence a tradeable asset class:

Do your want to partner with us in bringing financial value to organizations that change the world for the better? Do you also see that impact has to be a tradable asset class in itself? Then let's talk...
About us
LOOMPACT was founded in 2020 with the idea in mind to make generated impact an asset class & generally tradeable. All based on social / eco outcomes that are of very high quality and researchable end-to-end. Understandable for everyone. To achieve this goal, experts with different backgrounds joined to make this vision happen...