Privacy Policy

I Responsible Party

The party responsible within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is:


Torstrasse 201
10115 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 55669900

Managing Directors: Ilko Thun, Rene Wienholtz

We are not obliged to appoint a data protection officer.

II When Contacting Us by Electronic Means Provided on this Website: Data Processing to Process Your Inquiries

a) Via Contact Form

There is a contact form on the website that can be used to contact us electronically. If a user uses this option, the data entered in the input mask will be transmitted to us and saved.

At the time the message is sent, the following data is also saved: Date and time of sending. For the processing of the data, your consent is obtained during the sending process and reference is made to this data protection declaration.

b) Via E-mail

We collect the personal data that you voluntarily provide to us when you contact us by e-mail.

Legal Basis

These data are only processed for the correspondence with you and for the purpose for which you have given us the data in the context of this communication, e.g. to process your request or to contact you at your request. In this case, the processing of personal data takes place with your consent according to Art. 6 Para. 1 a GDPR. In this context, the data will not be passed on to third parties.

The legal basis for processing the data transmitted when sending an email is Art. 6 Para. 1 f GDPR.

If the aim of the electronic contact is to conclude a contract, the additional legal basis for processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

Type and Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of personal data serves us to process the establishment of contact.

We store customer and contact information in our Customer Relations Management (CRM) system. This is a database where we can track all customer details and contacts with customers. For this purpose, we collect the following data with your consent:

  • First & last name
  • (Business) addresses
  • (Business) phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Company Name
  • Your request / message
  • Project-specific information

We use this data for the following purposes:

  • To be able to contact you as requested
  • Keep track of who has been in contact and what the contact request was about
  • To retain customer data for necessary transactions

Data Deletion and Storage Duration

The personal data of the data subject will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage no longer applies. Storage can be prolonged if this is required by the European or national law regulations, laws or other provisions to which the person responsible is subject. The data will be blocked or deleted if a storage period expires, unless there is a need for further storage of the data in order to conclude or fulfill a contract.

Opposition and Removal Option

The user has the option to revoke their consent to the processing of personal data at any time. If the user contacts us by email, they can object to the storage of their personal data for further usage. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued. To do this, send an informal e-mail to

III Information About Data Processing in Social Media

We maintain online presences within social networks in order to communicate with the users active there or to offer information about us. We have a legitimate interest in this in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f of the GDPR. There are links on our website that lead to our profiles. As long as users stay on our website, no connection to the respective network is established. The links enable users to communicate with us within these networks. When accessing the respective networks and platforms, the terms and conditions and data processing guidelines of the respective operators apply.

We therefore point out that user data may be processed outside the European Union. This can result in different risks for users because, for example, it could make it more difficult to enforce users' rights. With regard to US providers that work within the framework of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework or SSC or offer comparable guarantees of a secure level of data protection, we would like to point out that these companies are committed to complying with EU data protection standards.

Furthermore, the data of users within social networks are usually processed for market research and advertising purposes and used accordingly. For example, usage profiles can be created based on user behavior and the interests of the user. The usage profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place advertisements inside and outside the networks that presumably correspond to the interests of the users. For these purposes, cookies are usually stored on the users' device in which the usage behavior and interests of the users are saved. Furthermore, data can be saved in the usage profiles regardless of the devices used by the users (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to them).

For a detailed and comprehensive presentation of the respective forms of processing and the possibilities of objection (opt-out), we refer to the data protection declarations and information provided by the operators of the respective networks for these networks. In principle, you have the option to object to the use of your data on these platforms.

But also in the case of requests for information - you also have the right according to the GDPR - and the assertion of other so-called data subject rights (if your data has been collected or stored or processed or passed on), we point out that these are most effective with the providers can be asserted. Because only the providers have access to the data of the users and can take appropriate measures and provide information. You can also assert these rights against these companies based on the GDPR, for example in Germany as well as in other European countries.

  • Processed data types: inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers), content data (e.g. text entries, photographs, videos), usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times), meta / communication data (e.g. Device information, IP addresses).
  • Affected persons: all users of these online services whose data has been collected, saved, processed or passed on
  • Purposes of processing: contact inquiries and communication, tracking (e.g. interest / behavior-related profiling, use of cookies), remarketing, range measurement (e.g. access statistics, recognition of returning visitors).
  • Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f. GDPR), consent (Art. 6 Par. 1 S. 1 lit. a. GDPR) if you have a profile and pages with the provider visit the provider

Services and service providers with whom we maintain profiles:

IV Rights of the data subject

If your personal data is processed, you are affected within the meaning of the GDPR and you have the following rights vis-à-vis the person responsible:

1. Right to Information

You can request confirmation from the person responsible as to whether personal data relating to you is being processed by us.

If this is the case, you can request the following information from the person responsible:

(1) the purposes for which the personal data are processed;
(2) the categories of personal data that are processed;
(3) the recipients or the categories of recipients to whom the personal data relating to you have been disclosed or are still being disclosed;
(4) the planned duration of the storage of your personal data or, if specific information is not available, criteria for determining the storage duration;
(5) the existence of a right to correction or deletion of personal data concerning you, a right to restriction of processing by the party responsible or a right to object to this processing;
(6) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
(7) all available information on the origin of the data if the personal data are not collected from the data subject;
(8) The existence of automated decision-making including profiling in accordance with Art. 22 Paragraphs 1 and 4 GDPR and - at least in these cases - meaningful information about the logic involved and the scope and intended effects of such processing for the person concerned.

2. Right to Rectification

You have a right to correction and / or completion versus the person responsible if the processed personal data concerning you is incorrect or incomplete. The person responsible must make the correction immediately.

3. Right to Restriction of Processing

You can request the restriction of the processing of your personal data under the following conditions:

(1) if you dispute the correctness of the personal data concerning you for a period of time that enables the person responsible to check the correctness of the personal data;
(2) the processing is unlawful and you refuse to delete the personal data and instead request the restriction of the use of the personal data;
(3) the person responsible no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need them to assert, exercise or defend legal claims, or
(4) if you have objected to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 Paragraph 1 GDPR and it has not yet been determined whether the legitimate reasons of the person responsible outweigh your reasons.

If the processing of your personal data has been restricted, this data - apart from its storage - may only be used with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest processed by the Union or a Member State.

4. Right to Deletion

a) Deletion Obligation

You can demand that the person responsible delete the personal data concerning you immediately, and the person responsible is obliged to delete this data immediately if one of the following reasons applies:

(1) The personal data concerning you are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
(2) You revoke your consent on which the processing was based in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) or Article 9 (2) (a) GDPR, and there is no other legal basis for processing.
(3) You object to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 Paragraph 1 GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing, or you object to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 Paragraph 2 GDPR.
(4) The personal data concerning you have been processed unlawfully.
(5) The deletion of your personal data is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation under Union law or the law of the member states to which the person responsible is subject.

b) Exceptions

The right to deletion does not exist if processing is necessary

(1) to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information;
(2) To fulfill a legal obligation that requires processing under the law of the Union or of the member states to which the person responsible is subject, or to perform a task that is in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority that is transferred to the person responsible has been;
(3) for reasons of public interest in the area of public health in accordance with Art. 9 Paragraph 2 lit. h and i and Art. 9 Paragraph 3 GDPR;
(4) for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes in accordance with Art. 89 Para. 1 GDPR, insofar as the right mentioned under section a) is likely to make the realization of the objectives of this processing impossible or seriously impair it;
(5) for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

5. Right to Information

If you have asserted the right to correction, deletion or restriction of processing against the person responsible, the person responsible is obliged to comply with and to notify the recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been disclosed of this correction or deletion of the data or restriction of processing, unless this proves to be impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

You have the right to be informed about these recipients by the person responsible.

6. Right to Data Portability

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to the person responsible, in a structured, common and machine-readable format. You also have the right to transfer this data to another person responsible without hindrance from the person responsible to whom the personal data was provided, provided

(1) the processing is based on consent in accordance with Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR or Art. 9 Paragraph 2 lit. a GDPR or on a contract in accordance with Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. b GDPR and
(2) the processing is carried out using automated procedures.

In exercising this right, you also have the right to have your personal data transmitted directly from one person in charge to another person in charge, insofar as this is technically feasible. This must not impair the freedoms and rights of other people.

The right to data portability does not apply to the processing of personal data that is necessary for the performance of a task that is in the public interest or takes place in the exercise of official authority that has been transferred to the person responsible.

7. Right to Revoke the Data Protection Declaration of Consent

You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time. Revoking your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent up to the point of revocation.

8. Automated Decision in Individual Cases Including Profiling

We do not use automated decision-making, including profiling

9. Right to Complain to a Supervisory Authority

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (, in particular in the member state of your place of residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged violation, if you are of the opinion that the processing of your personal data is against violates the GDPR.

The supervisory authority to which the complaint was submitted informs the complainant of the status and the results of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy according to Art. 78 GDPR.

10. Right of Objection

You have the right, for reasons that arise from your particular situation, to object at any time to the processing of your personal data, which is based on Article 6 (1) (e) or (f) GDPR; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

The person responsible will no longer process the personal data concerning you unless he can prove compelling legitimate reasons for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

If the personal data concerning you are processed in order to operate direct mail, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of the personal data concerning you for the purpose of such advertising; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is connected to such direct advertising.

If you object to processing for direct marketing purposes, the personal data relating to you will no longer be processed for these purposes.

V Type and Scope of Data Processing by Using

The following information applies to the content that is made accessible under the following domain:

Using the website does not create a contractual relationship.

  1. External Hosting

This website is hosted by an external service provider. The personal data collected on this website is stored on the host's servers. This can be IP addresses, website access, meta and communication data and other data that is generated via a website.

Strato AG, Otto-Ostrowski-Straße 7, 10249 Berlin.
Privacy policy:
Server location: Germany.

The hosting provider is used in the interest of a secure, fast and efficient provision of our online offer by a professional provider (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO).

In order to ensure data protection-compliant processing, we have concluded an order processing contract with the hosting provider. Our provider will only process your data to the extent that is necessary to fulfil its performance obligations and will follow our instructions in relation to this data.


  1. Provision of the Website: Processing of Access Data

In principle, we only process personal user data insofar as this is necessary to provide a functional website and the content and services. You can therefore visit the website without providing any information about yourself. Only the following access data is stored in so-called server log files:

  • Referrer (previously visited website)
  • Requested web page or file
  • Browser type and browser version
  • Operating system used
  • Device type used
  • Time of access
  • IP address in anonymized form

Purpose of Data Processing

  • Ensuring trouble-free operation
  • Ensuring a smooth connection to the website,
  • Ensuring comfortable use of our website,
  • Defense against attacks on our website and our IT system and
  • Evaluation of system security and stability.

Legal Basis and Recipient of the Data

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest results from the data collection purposes listed above. In no case do we use the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about you personally.

The data stored in the server logs is saved by the provider and may be checked by technical service providers who act as processors for the operation and maintenance of the site. They will not be transmitted to third parties.

Storage Period

After 7 days at the latest, the logs will be anonymized or deleted. Storage of usage data beyond this period is possible. In this case, the users' IP addresses are deleted or altered so that it is no longer possible to assign the calling client.

Objection and Removal

The collection of data to provide the website and the storage of the data in log files is absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. You have the right to object to processing. Whether the objection is successful must be determined by weighing up interests.


  1. Cookies

This website does not use cookies, except when you opt-out of the following:


  1. Analytics / Statistical Recording

Matomo is an open source web analytics platform. A web analytics platform is used by a website owner in order to measure, collect, analyze and report visitor data for purposes of understanding and optimizing their website. For more information visit Matomo’s privacy policy:


Matomo is used to analyze the behavior of the website visitors to identify potential pitfalls and creates statistical records of how the website is used. No cookies are set and no information is stored on your device. Information recorded includes:

  • Referrer (previously visited website)
  • Requested web page or file
  • Browser type and browser version
  • Operating system used, device type & screen resolution
  • Date & time of access
  • City / Country of origin
  • IP address in anonymized form

This data is stored on the web server and is not made accessible to third parties.

Legal Basis and Purpose

The legal basis is our legitimate interest in the evaluation of website usage in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 f of the GDPR. This allows us to eliminate problems and improve the website.

Your Tracking Status and Opt-Out

Note I: When you opt out, a cookie is set in your browser. The legal basis for this functional cookie is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR and Section 25 Paragraph 2 TTDSG.

Note II: When you don't see a tracking status above, it means you have an active tracking blocker and are not being tracked.

  1. SSL Encryption

This site uses SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as the inquiries you send to us. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the fact that the address line of the browser changes from "http: //" to "https: //" and by the lock symbol in your browser line.

If SSL encryption is activated, the data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.

VI Type and Scope of Data Processing by Using

The following information applies to the content that is made accessible under the following domain:

Using the website does not create a contractual relationship.

External Hosting

This website is hosted by an external service provider. The personal data collected on this website is stored on the host's servers. This can be IP addresses, website access, meta and communication data and other data that is generated via a website.

Strato AG, Otto-Ostrowski-Straße 7, 10249 Berlin.
Privacy policy:
Server location: Germany.

The hosting provider is used in the interest of a secure, fast and efficient provision of our online offer by a professional provider (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO).

In order to ensure data protection-compliant processing, we have concluded an order processing contract with the hosting provider. Our provider will only process your data to the extent that is necessary to fulfil its performance obligations and will follow our instructions in relation to this data.


Data types, purposes of processing and categories of data subjects
In the following, we inform you about the type, scope and purpose of collecting, processing and using personal data.

1. Types of data we process

  • Usage data (access times, websites visited, etc.)
  • Inventory data (name, address etc.)
  • Contact details (telephone number, e-mail, fax, etc.)
  • Payment data (bank data, account data, payment history etc.)
  • Contract data (subject of the contract, duration etc.)
  • Content data (text entries, videos, photos etc.)
  • Communication data (IP address etc.)

2. Purposes of processing under Article 13 (1) c) of the DS-GVO

  • Processing of contracts, purposes of proof / preservation of evidence
  • Optimize website technically and economically
  • Provide easy access to the website
  • performance of contractual obligations
  • Contact in case of legal complaints by third parties
  • Fulfillment of legal storage obligations
  • Optimization and statistical evaluation of our services
  • Support commercial use of the website
  • Improve user experience
  • Make the website user-friendly
  • Economic operation of advertising and website
  • Marketing / Sales / Advertising
  • Production of statistics
  • Determine probability of copying texts
  • Avoidance of SPAM and abuse
  • Handling of an application procedure
  • Customer service and customer care
  • handle contact requests
  • Provide websites with features and content
  • safety measures
  • Uninterrupted, secure operation of our website

3. Categories of persons concerned under Article 13 (1) e) of the DS-GVO

  • Visitors/users of the website
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Interested parties
  • Applicants
  • Employees
  • Employees of customers or suppliers

The data subjects are collectively referred to as "users".

Legal basis for the processing of personal data
In the following we inform you about the legal basis of the processing of personal data:

  • If we have obtained your consent to process personal data, Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) DS-GVO is the legal basis.
  • If the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken in response to your request, Article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter b) DS-GVO is the legal basis.
  • If the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which we are subject (e.g. statutory retention obligations), Article 6 paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. c) DS-GVO is the legal basis.
  • If the processing is necessary in order to protect vital interests of the data subject or another natural person, Art. 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 lit. d) DS-GVO is the legal basis.
  • If the processing is necessary to protect our interests or the legitimate interests of a third party and your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms do not prevail in this respect, Article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f) DS-GVO is the legal basis.

Transfer of personal data to third parties and processors
Without your consent, we will not pass on any data to third parties. Should this be the case, however, the transfer will be made on the basis of the aforementioned legal bases, e.g. when data is passed on to online payment providers for the purpose of fulfilling a contract or due to a court order or due to a legal obligation to surrender the data for the purpose of criminal prosecution, to avert danger or to enforce intellectual property rights.

We also use contract processors (external service providers e.g. for web hosting of our websites and databases) to process your data. If data is passed on to the processors as part of an agreement for order processing, this is always done in accordance with Art. 28 DS-GVO. We select our processors carefully, check them regularly and have been granted the right to issue instructions regarding the data. In addition, the processors must have taken suitable technical and organizational measures and comply with the data protection regulations according to BDSG n.F. and DS-GVO.

Transfer of data to countries outside of the EU
The adoption of the European Data Protection Basic Regulation (DS-GVO) has created a uniform basis for data protection in Europe. Your data is therefore processed primarily by companies to which the DS-GVO applies. If, however, processing is carried out by services of third parties outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, they must comply with the special requirements of Art. 44 ff. DS-GVO.

This means that the processing is carried out on the basis of special guarantees, such as the EU Commission's officially recognized determination of a level of data protection corresponding to that of the EU or compliance with officially recognized special contractual obligations, the so-called "standard contractual clauses". In the case of US companies, submission to the so-called "privacy shield", the data protection agreement between the EU and the USA, fulfills these requirements.

Erasure of data and storage duration
Unless expressly stated in this data protection declaration, your personal data will be deleted or blocked as soon as the consent granted for processing is revoked by you or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies or the data is no longer required for the purpose, unless its further storage is required for evidence purposes or this is opposed by statutory storage obligations.

This includes, for example, commercial storage obligations for business letters according to § 257 para. 1 HGB (6 years) as well as tax storage obligations according to § 147 para. 1 AO of receipts (10 years). When the prescribed retention period expires, your data will be blocked or deleted, unless the storage is still necessary for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract.

Existence of automated decision making
We do not use automatic decision making or profiling.

Provision of our website and creation of log files
If you use our website for informational purposes only (i.e. no registration or other transmission of information), we only collect the personal data that your browser transmits to our server. If you wish to view our website, we collect the following data:

  • IP address
  • Internet service provider of the user
  • Date and time of the retrieval
  • Browser type
  • Language and browser version
  • Content of the call
  • Time zone
  • Access status/HTTP status code
  • Data volume
  • Websites from which the request comes
  • Operating system

This data will not be stored together with other personal data of yours. These data serve the purpose of user-friendly, functional and secure delivery of our website to you with functions and contents as well as their optimization and statistical evaluation.

The legal basis for this is our justified interest in data processing in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 S.1 lit. f) DS-GVO, which is also based on the above purposes.

For security reasons, we store this data in server log files for the storage period of days. After this period has elapsed, they are automatically deleted, unless we require their storage for evidence purposes in the event of attacks on the server infrastructure or other legal violations.

We use so-called cookies when you visit our website. Cookies are small text files that your internet browser places and saves on your computer. When you visit our website again, these cookies provide information to automatically recognize you. Cookies also include the so-called "user IDs", where user information is stored using pseudonymised profiles. When you call up our website, we will inform you about the use of cookies for the aforementioned purposes and how you can object to or prevent their storage ("opt-out") by referring to our data protection declaration.

The following types of cookies are distinguished:

  • Necessary, essential cookies: Essential cookies are cookies that are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website in order to save certain functions of the website such as logins, shopping cart or user entries, e.g. regarding the language of the website.
  • Session-Cookies: Session-Cookies are needed to recognize multiple use of an offer by the same user (e.g. if you have logged in to determine your login status). When you visit our site again, these cookies provide information to automatically recognize you. The information obtained in this way is used to optimize our offers and make it easier for you to access our site. When you close the browser or log out, the session cookies are deleted.
  • Persistent cookies: These cookies remain stored even after the browser is closed. They are used to save the login, to measure reach and for marketing purposes. They are automatically deleted after a specified period of time, which may vary depending on the cookie. You can delete the cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser.
  • Third-party cookies (especially from advertisers): According to your wishes, you can configure your browser settings and refuse to accept third-party cookies or all cookies. However, we would like to point out at this point that you may then not be able to use all functions of this website. Please read more about these cookies in the respective third-party privacy policies.

Categories of data:
User data, cookie, user ID (including the pages visited, device information, access times and IP addresses).

Purposes of processing:
The information obtained in this way serves the purpose of optimizing our web offers both technically and economically and of enabling you to access our website more easily and securely.

Legal basis
If we process your personal data with the aid of cookies on the basis of your consent ("opt-in"), then Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) DSGVO is the legal basis. Otherwise we have a legitimate interest in the effective functionality, improvement and economic operation of the website, so that in this case Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO is the legal basis. The legal basis is also Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b) DS-GVO, if the cookies are set to initiate a contract, e.g. when orders are placed.

Duration of storage/deletion:
The data are deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose for which they were collected. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the website, this is the case when the respective session is ended; otherwise, cookies are stored on your computer and transmitted by it to our site. Therefore you as a user have full control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies. Cookies already stored can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically. If cookies for our website are deactivated, it may not be possible to use all the functions of the website to their full extent.

Here you will find information about the deletion of cookies by browser:

Objection and "Opt-Out":
You can generally prevent cookies from being stored on your hard drive, regardless of consent or legal permission, by selecting "do not accept cookies" in your browser settings. However, this can result in a functional restriction of our offers. You can object to the use of third-party cookies for advertising purposes by means of a so-called "opt-out" via this American website ( ) or this European website ( ).

Cookie Consent Solutions / Consent Manager Provider:
We have implemented the CookieBot (service provider: Cybot A/S, Havnegade 39, 1058 Copenhagen, Denmark / Website: integrated as consent management service.

Data categories and description of data processing:
cookies, date and time of visit, device information, browser information, anonymized IP address, opt-in and opt-out data. This service enables us to obtain your consent to the storage of cookies and to document this consent. In addition, a cookie is stored in your browser for this purpose in order to be able to assign the consent you have given or to be able to revoke it. Below you will find further information in the data protection declaration of the data processor Cybot A/S (

Purposes of data processing:
compliance with legal obligations, storage of consent.

Legal basis:
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is our legitimate interest in the above-mentioned purposes in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 S. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO and the fulfillment of legal obligations in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 S. 1 lit. c) DS-GVO.

Storage duration:
Storage of the data until you delete the CookieBot-Cookie in your browser yourself or the purpose for the data storage no longer applies. The revocation document of a previously granted consent is kept for a period of three years. The storage is based on our accountability according to article 5 paragraph 2 DSGVO.

Data transmission/recipient category:
The consent management service we use is a provider in Europe. We have therefore concluded a contract for order processing with the data processor in accordance with Art. 28 DS-GVO.

Contract management
We process inventory data (e.g. company, title/academic degree, names and addresses as well as contact data of users, e-mail), contract data (e.g. services used, names of contact persons) and payment data (e.g. bank details, payment history) for the purpose of fulfilling our contractual obligations (knowing who is the contractual partner; justification, content and processing of the contract; checking the plausibility of the data) and services (e.g. contacting customer service) in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 S. 1 lit b) DS-GVO. The entries marked as obligatory in online forms are required for the conclusion of the contract.

In principle, this data will not be passed on to third parties, unless it is necessary to pursue our claims (e.g. transfer to a lawyer for collection) or to fulfill the contract (e.g. transfer of the data to payment providers) or if there is a legal obligation to do so in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 S. 1 lit. c) DS-GVO.

We may also process the data you provide in order to inform you about other interesting products from our portfolio or to send you e-mails with technical information.

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. This is the case for the inventory and contract data when the data is no longer necessary for the execution of the contract and no more claims can be asserted under the contract because they are time-barred (warranty: two years / standard limitation period: three years). We are obliged by commercial and tax law to store your address, payment and order data for a period of ten years. However, if the contract is terminated after three years, we will restrict processing, i.e. your data will only be used to comply with legal obligations. Details in the user account remain until it is deleted.

Contact via contact form / e-mail / fax / mail
1) If you contact us by contact form, fax, post or email, your data will be processed for the purpose of processing your contact request.

2) We use Hubspot, a service of Hubspot Inc. 25 First Street, 2nd Floor Cambridge, MA 02141 United States / Website: for website analysis, contact storage and electronic communication in response to enquiries about our formulas. Hubspot is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield.

3) This uses so-called "web beacons" and also sets"cookies", which are stored on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of the website by us. The information collected (e.g. IP address, geographical location, type of browser, length of visit and pages viewed) is analysed by Hubspot on behalf of LOOM Impact in order to generate reports about the visit and the pages visited by LOOM Impact.

4) If you use our contact form, Hubspot will process data and provide it to LOOM Impact with personal information (especially name/email address) on the basis of consent given, thus collecting personal data and informing users individually and in a targeted manner about preferred subject areas.

5) If collection by Hubspot is generally not desired, the storage of cookies can be prevented at any time through appropriate browser settings(see above). Further information on how Hubspot works can be found in the privacy policy of Hubspot Inc. which can be found at

6) The legal basis for the processing of the data is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 S. 1 lit. a) DS-GVO, if you have given your consent. The legal basis for the processing of data transmitted in the course of a contact inquiry or email, letter or fax is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 S. 1 letter f) DS-GVO. The person responsible has a legitimate interest in the processing and storage of the data in order to be able to respond to user inquiries, to secure evidence for liability reasons and, if necessary, tobe able to comply with his or her legal obligations to retain business letters. If the purpose of the contact is the conclusion of a contract, an additional legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b) DS-GVO.

7) We may store your information and contact request in our customer relationship management system (“CRM system”) or similar system.

8) The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purpose of their collection. For the personal data from the input mask of the contact form and those sent by email, this is the case when the respective conversation with you has ended. The conversation ends when it is clear from the circumstances that the matter in question has been finally clarified. Inquiries from users who have an account or a contract with us will be stored for a period of two years after termination of the contract. In the case of legal archiving obligations, deletion takes place after their expiry: end of commercial law (6 years) and tax law (10 years) retention obligation.

9) You have the option of withdrawing your consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with Art. 6 Paragraph 1 S. 1 lit. a)DS-GVO at any time. If you contact us by email, you can object to the storage of your personal data at any time.

Contact by phone
When contacting us by telephone, your telephone number is processed and temporarily stored or displayed in the RAM / cache of the telephone set / display for the purpose of processing the contact request and its handling. The storage is done for liability and security reasons, in order to be able to prove the call, and for economic reasons, in order to enable a call back. In case of unauthorized advertising calls, we block the phone numbers.

The legal basis for the processing of the telephone number is Article 6 (1) sentence 1 (f) of the DS-GVO. If the contact is aimed at the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for processing is Article 6 (1) (b) DS-GVO.

The device cache stores the calls for days and successively overwrites or deletes old data; when the device is disposed of, all data is deleted and the memory destroyed if necessary. Blocked telephone numbers are checked annually to see if they need to be blocked.

You can prevent the phone number from being displayed by calling with the phone number suppressed.

1) You can subscribe to our newsletter with your voluntary consent by entering your name and email address. Only this is mandatory.

2) We use Cleverreach (service provider: CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG //CRASH Building, Schafjückenweg 2, 26180 Rastede, Deutschland Website: as newsletter tool.

3) The provision of further data is voluntary and only serves the purpose of a personal contact. We use the so-called “double opt-in procedure” for registration. After you have registered with your email address, you will receive an email from us to confirm your registration with a confirmation link. If you click this confirmation link, your email will be added to the newsletter distribution list and stored for the purpose of sending emails. If you do not click on the confirmation link within hours, your registration data will be blocked and automatically deleted after days.
In addition, we log your IP address used during registration and the date and time of the double opt-in (registration and confirmation). The purpose of this storage is to fulfill legal requirements regarding proof of your registration and to prevent misuse of your email.

4) Within the scope of your declaration of consent, the contents (e.g. advertised products/services, offers, advertising and topics) of the newsletter are described in concrete terms.

5) We evaluate your user behavior when sending the newsletter. For this purpose, the newsletters contain so-called “web beacons” or “tracking pixels”, which are called up when the newsletter is opened. For the analysis we link the web beacons with your email address and an individual ID. Links received in the newsletter also contain this ID. The data is collected pseudonymously, so the IDs are not linked to your otherpersonal data, a direct personal reference is excluded. With this data we can determine if and when you opened the newsletter and which links in the newsletter were clicked. This serves the purpose of optimizing and statistically evaluating our newsletter.

6) The legal basis for sending the newsletter, measuring success and storing the email is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a) DS-GVO in conjunction with § 7 Para. 2 No. 3 UWG and for the recording of consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO, as this serves our legitimate interest of legal provability.

7) You can object to the tracking at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the end of the newsletter. In this case, however, the receipt of the newsletter would also be terminated. If you deactivate the display of images in your email software, tracking is also not possible. However, this may have limitations with regard to the functions of the newsletter and contained imageswill not be displayed.

8) You can revoke your consent to receive the newsletter at any time. You can exercise the revocation by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the end of the newsletter, sending an email or sending a message to our contact details above. We store your data as long as you have subscribed to the newsletter. After unsubscribing, your data will only be stored anonymously for statistical purposes.

Google AdWords with conversion tracking
We use the service "Google Ads with conversion tracking" (service provider: Google Ireland Limited, Register No.: 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) to advertise third party websites by displaying ads on our website.

Data categories and description of data processing:
usage data / communication data. When you click on a Google ad from us, a cookie is stored in your browser, which is valid for about 30 days. If you then visit our website, we and Google can use the cookie to evaluate whether you have visited our website and which of our pages you have visited. Google creates statistics about this. The data is also transferred to the USA and analyzed there. If you are logged in with a Google account, the data can be assigned to your account by AdWords. If you do not wish this to happen, you must log out before visiting our website.

Purpose of data processing:
This conversion tracking serves the purpose of analyzing/measuring success, optimization and the economic operation of our advertising and website.

Legal basis:
If you have given your consent ("opt-in") to the processing of your personal data by means of "Google Ads with conversion tracking", Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) DS-GVO is the legal basis. Otherwise, the legal basis for the processing of your data is our legitimate interest in the analysis, optimization and efficient economic operation of our advertising and website in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO.

Data transmission/recipient category:
Google Ireland, USA; Google USA is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework.

Storage duration
up to 540 days.

Objection and removal options ("Opt-Out"):
You can object to or prevent the installation of cookies by Google in various ways:

    • You can disable cookies in your browser by selecting the "do not accept cookies" setting, which includes third-party cookies;
    • You can deactivate conversion tracking directly at Google via the link, but this setting will only last until you delete your cookies.
    • You can disable the personalized ads of third party advertisers participating in the About Ads advertising self-regulatory initiative by clicking on the link for US sites or ttp:// h for EU sites, but this setting will only last until you delete all your cookies;
    • You can permanently deactivate cookies by using a browser plug-in for Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer under the link . This deactivation may mean that you can no longer use all the functions of our website to their full extent.


    • For more information, please see Google's privacy policy at

    • and


Google AdWords Remarketing / "Similar target groups
We use the application Google Analytics Remarketing/ "Similar Target Groups" (Service Provider: Google Ireland Limited, Register No.: 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) to draw attention to third-party websites and other Internet offerings by displaying ads on our website.

Data categories and description of data processing:
usage data/ communication data. With the remarketing or "similar target groups" - function in Ads we can reach you there if you have already visited our website and address you with a suitable message per ad. With remarketing we can bring our former visitors back to our website with a click. If you then call up other websites or Internet offers, we and Google can use the cookie to evaluate whether you have already visited our website and display our advertising there as well. Google creates statistics about this. The full extent of data processing is not known to us. The data is also transferred to the USA and analyzed there. According to Google, the data collected by remarketing is not merged with any personal data stored by Google but is processed using a pseudonym.

Purpose of processing
This remarketing serves the purpose of analysis, optimization and economic operation of our advertising and website.

Legal basis:
If you have given your consent ("opt-in") to the processing of your personal data by means of "Google Ads Remarketing / Similar Target Groups", then Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) DS-GVO is the legal basis. Otherwise, the legal basis for the processing of your data is our legitimate interest in the analysis, optimization and efficient economic operation of our advertising and website in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO.

Data transmission/recipient category:
Google Ireland, USA; Google USA is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework.

Storage period:
When you visit certain pages of our website, a cookie is stored in your browser, which is valid for 30 days.

Objection and removal options ("Opt-Out"):
You can object to or prevent the installation of cookies by Google in various ways:

  • You can disable cookies in your browser by selecting the "do not accept cookies" setting, which includes third-party cookies;
  • You can deactivate the personalized ads directly at Google via the link This setting will only be effective until you delete your cookies.
  • You can disable the personalized ads of the third partyadvertisers participating in the advertising self-regulation initiative "About Ads" by clicking on the link for US sites or for EUsites, but this setting will only last until you delete all your cookies;
  • You can permanently deactivate cookies by using a browser plug-in for Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer under the link This deactivation may mean that you can no longer use all the functions of our website to their full extent.

For more information, please see Google's privacy policy at

Microsoft Bing Ads
1) The website uses the remarketing function “Microsoft Bing Ads” (provider: Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA. (“Microsoft Advertising”).

2) Data categories and description of data processing: Usage data / communication data. When you click on a BING ad from us, a cookie is stored in your browser, which is valid for about 30 days. If you then visit our website, we and Microsoft can use the cookie to evaluate whether you have visited our website and which of our pages you have visited. Microsoft creates statistics about this. The data is also transferred to the U.S. and analyzed there.

3) Purpose of data processing: This conversion tracking serves the purpose of analysis/success measurement, optimization and economic operation of our advertising and website.

4) Legal basis: If you have given your consent (“opt-in”) to the processing of your personal data by means of “Microsoft Bing Ads”, then Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) DS-GVO is the legal basis. Otherwise, the legal basis for the processing of your data is our legitimate interest in the analysis, optimization and efficient economic operation of our advertising and website in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO.

5) Data transfer/recipient category: Microsoft Corporation, U.S.; Microsoft U.S. is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework.

6) Storage period: up to 390 days.

7) Objection and removal options (“Opt-Out”): You can object to or prevent the installation of cookies by Microsoft in various ways:

Microsoft Clarity
1) We use the "Clarity" service of “Microsoft Clarity” (provider: Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA.

2) Data categories and description of data processing: Usage for statistical analysis on this website. When you consent to the “Microsoft Clarity Cookies” on our websites cookie is stored in your browser. Among other things, Clarity usescookies, which enable an analysis of the use of our website, as well as a so-called tracking code and sends non-personally identifiable information to the U.S. and analyze them there.

3) This tracking serves the purpose of analysis/success measurement, optimization of our website.

4) Legal basis: If you have given your consent (“opt-in”) to the processing of your personal data by means of “Microsoft Clarity” then Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) DS-GVO is the legal basis. Otherwise, the legal basis for the processing of your data is our legitimate interest in the analysis, optimization and efficient economic operation of our advertising and website in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO.

5) Data transfer/recipient category: Microsoft Corporation, U.S.; Microsoft U.S. is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework.

6) Storage period: up to 365 days.

7) Objection and removal options (“Opt-Out”): You can object to or prevent the installation of cookies by Microsoft in various ways:

YouTube videos
We have integrated YouTube videos from on our website using the embedded function, so that they can be accessed directly on our website. YouTube is owned by Google Ireland Limited, Register No: 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4,

Data category and description of data processing:
usage data (e.g. web page accessed, contents and access times). We have integrated the videos in the so-called "extended data protection mode" without using cookies to record usage behavior in order to personalize video playback. Instead, the video recommendations are based on the video currently playing. Videos played in enhanced privacy mode in an embedded player have no effect on which videos are recommended to you on YouTube. When you start a video (click on the video), you agree to allow YouTube to track the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage or video on our website and use this information for advertising purposes.

Purpose of the processing: Provision of a user-friendly offer, optimization and improvement of our content.

Legal basis:
If you have given your consent ("opt-in") for the processing of your personal data using "etracker" from the third party provider, then Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 letter a) DS-GVO is the legal basis. The legal basis is also our legitimate interest in data processing for the above purposes in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 S.1 lit. f) DS-GVO. In the case of services provided in connection with a contract, tracking and analysis of user behavior is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. b) DS-GVO in order to be able to use the information thus obtained to offer optimized services in order to fulfill the purpose of the contract.

Data transmission/recipient category:
Third party providers in the USA. The acquired data is transferred to the USA and stored there. This is also done without a user account with Google. If you are logged into your Google account, Google can assign the above data to your account. If you do not wish this, you must log out of your Google account. Google creates user profiles from such data and uses these data for the purpose of advertising, market research or optimization of its websites. Google is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and therefore obliged to comply with European data protection laws.

Storage duration:
Cookies up to 2 years or until the cookies are deleted by you as a user.

Objection: You have a right of objection to Google against the creation of user profiles. Therefore, please contact Google directly via the privacy statement below. An opt-out objection regarding advertising cookies can be made here in your Google Account:

See the YouTube Terms of Use at and the Google Advertising Privacy Policy at for more information about Google's use of cookies and its advertising technologies, retention period, anonymization, location data, how it works, and your rights. Google's general privacy policy:

On our website we have implemented the anti-spam function "reCAPTCHA" from "Google" (provider: Google Ireland Limited, Register No.: 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland).

Category of data and description of data processing:
usage data (e.g. website accessed, IP). By using "reCAPTCHA" in our forms we can determine whether the input was made by a machine (robot) or a human being. When using the service, your IP address and any other data required for this purpose may be transmitted to Google servers in the USA.

Purpose of the processing:
Avoidance of spam and abuse as well as our economic interest in the optimization of our website.

Legal basis:
If you have given your consent ("opt-in") for the processing of your personal data by means of "reCaptcha" from the third party provider, then Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) DS-GVO is the legal basis. The legal basis is also our legitimate interest in data processing for the above purposes in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 S.1 lit. f) DS-GVO.

Data transmission/recipient category:
Third party providers in the USA. Google is certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. This ensures that European data protection law is observed.

Storage period:
until the cookies are deleted by you as the user.

For more information about Google ReCAPTCHA, please visit and Google's privacy policy at

Google Maps
We have on our website maps from "Google Maps" (provider: Google Ireland Limited, Register No.: 368047, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland).

Data category and description of data processing:
usage data (e.g. IP, location, page accessed). With Google Maps, we can display the location of addresses and directions directly on our website in interactive maps and enable you to use this tool. When you call up our website, where Google Maps is integrated, a connection is established to the Google servers in the USA. Your IP and location can be transmitted to Google. Google also receives information that you have called up the corresponding page. This is also done without a user account with Google. If you are logged into your Google account, Google can assign the above data to your account. If you do not wish to do so, you must log out of your Google account. Google creates user profiles from such data and uses these data for the purpose of advertising, market research or optimization of its websites.

Purpose of processing:
To provide a user-friendly, economical and optimized website.

Legal basis:
If you have given your consent ("opt-in") for the processing of your personal data using "Google Maps" by the third party provider, Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) DS-GVO is the legal basis. The legal basis is also our legitimate interest in data processing in accordance with Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO for the above purposes.

Data transmission / recipient category:
Third party providers in the USA. Google is certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. This ensures that European data protection law is observed.

Storage duration:
Cookies up to 6 months or until you delete them. Otherwise as soon as they are no longer needed for processing purposes.

Possibility of objection and removal:
You have a right of objection to Google against the creation of user profiles. Therefore, please contact Google directly via the data protection declaration below. An opt-out objection regarding advertising cookies can be made here in your Google account:

Please refer to the Google Maps Terms of Use at and the Google Advertising Privacy Policy at for more information on the use of Google cookies and their advertising technologies, retention period, anonymization, location data, functionality and your rights. Google's general privacy policy:

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